Wolfgang in the Meadow Publication Day!

I am thrilled to share that my latest picture book, Wolfgang in the Meadow, is now available wherever books are sold! To celebrate the publication…

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Wolfgang in the Meadow-Behind the Scene

Happy Halloween, everyone! Along with my favorite time of the year, I’m revealing my second author-illustrator book: WOLFGANG IN THE MEADOW.

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My Work Space!

Take a tiny peek into my working space and the tools I use!

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Things I’ve Learned as a Freelancer

It marked six years since I started to become a self-employed a.k.a freelancer. The reasons I decided to take this path after many years of working 9…

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My Random Ruminations about ‘Style’

I want to talk a bit about ‘style.’ I’ve been struggling and thinking a LOT about this topic my entire career. It’s funny how many artists feel very…

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Spicy Spicy Hot Behind the Scene

Summer has never been my favorite season, but I’m super stoked that I can finally share a glimpse of behind-the-scenes from my debut…

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